ISM News

Update nr. 122

September 2022

In this ISM News Update:

  • PART III of SEEMP for CII implementation plan, calculation and reporting
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Contingency Plan and Guidelines – Revision 11
  • New website of NeRF-Maritime Fishery
  • Interim guidance to shipping related to the situation in Ukraine
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PART III of SEEMP for CII implementation plan, calculation and reporting

From January 1, 2023, any vessel of 5,000 gross tonnage and above that falls into one or more of the MARPOL Annex VI categories must have a approved and vessel specific Operational Carbon Intensity Plan (SEEMP III). The Carbon Intensity Indicator is an operational performance indicator that measures the carbon intensity of ships over time. Cargo, RoPax and cruise ships over 5000 GT must annually calculate and report the Carbon Intensity Indicator.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Contingency Plan and Guidelines – Revision 11

The current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Emergency Plan and Guidelines – Revision 10 – will remain available and valid until 31-12-2022. This means that the CP will be republished with only the validity/dates of the plan changed as of 1/10/2022. As usual, the plan will be renamed with a new name: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Contingency Plan and Guidelines – Revision 11


New website of NeRF-Maritime Fishery

This page, as part of the Netherlands Regulatory Framework, contains direct links to all regulations, instructions, class rules and other relevant information for the Fisheries sector. A start has been made on including the Notices to Sea Fishing and will be filled with the relevant parts of the standards framework over time. Click here to visit this website. Other information can be found on the ILT website.


Interim guidance to shipping related to the situation in Ukraine

This guidance provides an overview of the consequences of the situation in Ukraine for (seafarers working on) seagoing ships flying the flag of the Netherlands or foreign flagged ships with a port in the Netherlands as destination. It holds guidance for both the situation on board Netherlands’ flagged ships as well as the consequences of the sanctions1 imposed on any natural or legal person or entity as sanctioned per Council Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 and restrictions on Russian flagged ships and trade restrictions of any goods and technology as sanctioned per Council Regulation (EU) 833/2014.

Kind regards,
Team RBG

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