ISM News
Update nr. 107
In this ISM News Update:
- The corona-circular NSI
As a result of measures regarding the Coronavirus, the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate has written a circular: the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Contingency Plan and Guidelines.
It discusses various topics that the ships flying under NL flag deal with:
- Survey and Certification of ships flying the Dutch flag
- Joining and Repatriation of seafarers from ships
- Exemptions to the Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD)
- Issue or Revalidation of a Dutch Certificate of Competency (CoC) or a Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) for tankers, Polar Code or IGF
- Dutch Seaman’s Book
- Certificates of Proficiency (CoP) for ratings
- Issue of a Recognition of a Certificate of Competency where a seafarer is unable to disembark the ship
- Seafarers with expired Certificates of Proficiency (= safety training)
- Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006): Seafarers who are onboard a ship beyond their Seafarer Employment Agreement (SEA) for reasons connected to COVID-19.
- Shipowner liability
- Seagoing service
- Seafarer Medical Certificate
- Port State Control
Please pay attention:
This contingency plan has been drawn up taking into account the current information available concerning the Covid-19 crisis. Any significant developments necessitating a revision of this document will be considered by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate and implemented accordingly.
The Kiwa-register published additional information on the circular mentioned above on their website.