ISM News

From ISM News Update nr. 130: EU-ETS and EU-MRV

July 2024

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There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the European Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification regime (EU-MRV). From January 1, 2025, the amended EU MRV rules will apply to ‘general cargo ships’ with a gross tonnage of 400 to 5,000 and ‘offshore ships’ of 400 GT and more. The terms “Offshore ships” and “General Cargo ships” have yet to be defined by EMSA.

CO2 emissions are the largest component of greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport, but methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions also make important contributions.

The EU-MRV and IMO-DCS (SEEMP I, II and III) have the same goal, namely the reduction of harmful exhaust emissions from the shipping sector.

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